Current Events

Bicycle Gourmet’s Paris Covid Update
Yes, I know, it does seem strange that I, DA BG – extoller of the French Country backroads, food, wine senic landscapes and other Treasures of France, am giving you this Paris Covid Update, by writing about- A CITY. But, as you are well aware Dear reader…Paris is not just any city. Like, for instance, […]
11Mar2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
Covid French Friday
Covid French Friday, is, as you will understand, pretty much the same for the French people as for the rest of the Western World. They endure virus-imposed restrictions like social distancing, and irregular hours of certain business and their justly loved French restaurants. But the Covid Virus in France, as difficult as it if […]
25Sep2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
French Coronavirus – Hasn’t Changed The French Spirit
French Coronavirus – Hasn’t Changed The French Spirit. If anything, it’s made it stronger. With COVID-19 still an unwelcome force to be reckoned with – the French people are showing their spirit and solidarity. They are not, and will not be beaten down by this invisible invader. Everywhere, in city and countryside, the outpouring […]
24Apr2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | Continued