Strauss Kahn And The Pope
What’s the connection? The “common cord?” What on earth could possibly connect these two always other than hair color?. Certainly not religion. Equally not any professional association. So what’s the link? Actually – there are two. The first being the obvious: Sex. Both have a certain degree of problems/challenges owing to their communication style regarding the subject. More accurately, their lack of communication. And, until last night’s “I committed a moral error” rant, their common refusal to accept responsibility for their actions.
The second, less obvious is : Power. Strauss Kahn has the power of (his Wife’s) money to insulate him from life’s blue meanies.
Pope Benoit has the power of Holiness.The World’s best shield. (Not to forget also the Pope has the Vatican bank in his pocket.)
Germany is waiting for Pope Benedict. With daggers. He’s not the prodigal son in the land of Schnitzel and Oktoberfest. And you can probably guess why – can you not? When the “Holy One” arrives later this month, he’ll “welcomed” with a series massive anti-Pope demonstrations. Starting from the moment he gets off the plane. Even though these (as we say here in France) “manifestations”, are fueled by the gay and lesbian communities – there seems to be an attitude at all levels of society – politicans included – that the planned protests are kosher. (no p.c. comments pleeze!)
The largest “Anti-Popeism” will go down, not suprisingly in Berlin. Where gay/lesbian groups, aids awareness organizations and 55 family planning associations will (vocally, no doubt) let “his Holiness” known what they think of his statements/positions on the subjects near and dear to them. Not the least of which will be his “inaction” on 20 plus years of pedophile priests.
And it’s not just Germany either. “SNAP” – an American association for the victims of pedophile priests has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice at the Hague, charging Pope Benedict with “crimes against humanity” for his knowledge of, and inaction against, pedophile priests.
In their 10,000 page brief, which documents pedophilia cases, the organization also charges three high ranking Vatican officals, saying they, and the Pope during his tenure overseeing pedophilia complaints “tolerated and made possible the systematic and largely widespread camouflage of rapes and sexual crimes against children, Worldwide.”
So – more bullets fired at the sheild of “Holiness.” Strong enough to pierce it?
M Strauss Kahn will undoubtedly not be hit by the rape accusation bullet of Tristane Banon. The Young French journalist who claims that “The Great Seducer” tried to have his wicked way with her in 2003. For two reasons. Most importantly – No physical evidence. Also, considering the media circus surrounding DSK’s New York Adventure, and considering the power/influence Strauss Kahn has here in France – it would be political suicide for anyone foolish enough to proceed.
Strauss Kahn and the Pope. You get the connections now – do you not? And, equally, you get the ramifications for the rest of us.
What I’m wondering is – if these two guys ever sat down to have a beer together – what would the first topic of conversation be?
What are ya thinkin’?
An extremely perceptive anlaysis. One that, while not immediately obvious, is certainly true.
i agree with homer, but i disagree with your prediction about no charges in the banon affair. i don’t think even his wife’s money can make that one go away.
thanks not only for this post, but also your other post – “pope benedict our wake up call.” everything you said in both posts, is something we all need to be aware of. and in the case of pope benedict, take every possible action against.
It will be interesting to see if the planned anti-pope demonstration in Germany has the desired effect.
ok….i DO like your posts…..on all subjects….BUT…all this DSK stuff is starting to get up my nose. Yeah, yeah, i know it’s news, and it’s french news, so it’s right you should comment on it……but…ENOUGH ALREADY!……lay some of your great adventures on us!
i sort of agree with cal…DSK is everywhere in the news…, being a french angle it’s natural for you to share your thoughts, but yeah…i see what he’s getting at. but for me, no matter what the topic is, you manage to keep me chuckling while giving out the facts. So, i guess i’m saying “whatever floats your boat!”
You have a way of making the obtuse seem obvious. Keep it up!
while i’m only one person with one opinon, i get the feeling that, hopefully, the tide is turning against the various abusers of power and trust…such as the two you so perceptively profiled here.
Reponding further to Bob’s comment – “various abusers of power and trust..”etc…..I would add the phrase “Massive Hyprocrites.”
Glad you didn’t use the phrase “come clean” in your post. because “the great seducer” certaintly hasn’t. how stupid does he think people are to fall for his obviously rehearsed “confession?”
Right on Pam! – And dobuly so “his holiness.” I hope the Germans give him the shaking up(and more) he so richly deserves. scumbag!
a totally brill observation! yo make me wonder why i didn’t make the connection!