All Posts Tagged With: "bicycle gourmets treasures of france"

Bicycle Gourmet’s French History Fiesta
Bicycle Gourmet’s French History Fiesta goes down every year. All over France. Usually just for one day. Sometimes two. And, happily, it’s (mostly) free. While it’s not a holiday in the strict sense of the word, it’s equally, not a day of work. It’s offical title is : “Le Journee Du Patrimoine.” which, loosely translated(and […]
11Feb2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 32 comments | Continued
Covid French Friday
Covid French Friday, is, as you will understand, pretty much the same for the French people as for the rest of the Western World. They endure virus-imposed restrictions like social distancing, and irregular hours of certain business and their justly loved French restaurants. But the Covid Virus in France, as difficult as it if […]
25Sep2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
Bicycle Gourmet’s Loire Valley Cycling Photo Workshop
Bicycle Gourmet’s Loire Valley Cycling Photo Workshop is one of three I will be offering this year. (Details on all three HERE.) Da BG’s Cycling Photo/Video Workshop is a totally backroads adventure that will enable a small collection of fine folks(eight to be exact) to profit from the Loire valleys’ sights, sounds, food and […]
14Feb2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 10 comments | Continued