All Posts Tagged With: "degas"

Claude Monet and Friends
OK – it IS a hokey title. But, to paraphrase Woody Allen on another subject “as hokey titles go, it’s one of the best.” The reason I can say that with a straight face is that Claude Monet and Friends, is a visual reminder that although Cher Claude is unquestionably the most famous French artist, […]
21Feb2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | Continued
French Impressionist Lion
As I detailed in THIS PREVIOUS POST, the “lion”, the “main man”, the “Big Kahuna” of French Impressionism was, of course Claude Monet. Virtually the only one of the impressionists to enjoy in his lifetime the two things all artists seek. But rarely attain. Fame and Fortune. Claude had ’em both. While the majority of […]
22Jun2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 6 comments | Continued
French Impressionist Artists
Here’s the guy who started it all. The one who’s responsible for fuzzy, ephemeral images of water lily wallpaper, sheets, pillow cases, calendars,mugs and posters. And Claude Monet gave Impressionism it’s name by accident. He’d exhibited a painting called : “Impression – Sunrise” (which was a view of the port of LeHavre in the morning […]
23Jul2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 8 comments | Continued