All Posts Tagged With: "french country life travel memoirs"

French Country Travel Life Food and Wine
French Country Travel Life Food and Wine – obviously two of the best reasons for travelling through The French Countryside. N’est ce pas? Not the only ones of course. But if you do, or have done, you’ll discover that French Food and Wine, particularly in a country setting, are just the “icing on the […]
5Jun2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 27 comments | Continued
French Country Life Faux Pas
French Country Life Faux Pas (that’s “foe-paws” to my fellow high school dropouts) are not, for me “social errors.” (Tasting the wine before your host being the ultimate no-no.) Alas, non, pour moi the Faux Pas of French Country Life are the rules, rituals, and traditions in that lifestyle that get up my nose! […]
31May2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 32 comments | Continued
French Wine Courtesy Of China
French Wine Courtesy Of China. What, China is giving the World French Wine? Close, but no cigar. China is giving the World the opportunity to BUY the less expensive big name French Wines. How? Why? – Because it’s slurping up all the expensive ones. This has put the (ever so subtle) pressure on the grand […]
20May2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 39 comments | Continued