All Posts Tagged With: "jacques chirac"

Strauss Kahn – Stylistically Challenged?
While the Offical motto of France is :”Libertie, Egalitie, Fraternitie”, there is an unoffical, but integral 4th element: Privacy. While France is (again) “offically” a devout Catholic Nation, it has an almost Religious tolerance for “non-Catholica”activities. Particularly when they relate to “relations intime.” Basically the French mind set is :”We don’t care who you screw, […]
6Sep2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 13 comments | Continued
French Politics – Part Two
As sure as God(or someone just like him/her) made little green Apples, from time to time under the political big top a star attraction tumbles from the tightrope. The high wire flyer’s demise creating an opportunity for those anxious to ascend to the same lofty heights.(But hopefully avoding the same fate.)The unexpected and supersonic descent […]
23May2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 3 comments | Continued
French Politics – Part One
Of all the great “bon mots” of wisdom my Father imparted before sending me out into the World – the most enduring and effective was : “If you want to get along with as many people as possible, never discuss Religion,Sex or Politics.” While I have, in the main, adhered to this Fatherly sagess, there […]
14May2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 2 comments | Continued