All Posts Tagged With: "the great seducer"

The DSK Blackberry Mystery
The DSK BlackBerry Mystery has not been solved. And, odds are, it never will be. Which is sad, because it’s one of the best. And who doesn’t love a good mystery now and then? (hint : DA BG do!) Practically no-body, if we believe the statistics. (Those figures that never lie, except when quoted/created […]
6Oct2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 16 comments | Continued
DSK’s Worst Nightmare – Anne Sinclair Wakes Up!
DSK’s Worst Nightmare – Anne Sinclair Wakes Up! – and leaves him. To anyone who is even vaguely aware of the “adventures” of Dominique Strauss Kahn, the question is not “Why?” – but – “Anne – what took you so long?” Why did it take an intelligent, cultivated Woman this long to to see […]
30Jun2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 28 comments | Continued
DSK – Strike Three?
(Authors Note : “Smileys” in this post were inserted mysteriously and automatically by WordPress. Please ignore them.) Meet Mr. Speilberg Imagine for a moment you’re a struggling screenwriter. Navigating the maze of illusions, heartbreak, and “have a nice day” smiles that is Hollywood. Waiting tables by day. Writing by night. Then, one day(and […]
24Oct2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 22 comments | Continued