All Posts Tagged With: "treasures of france"

Tour de France…in the slow lane.
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmets Tour de France The Bicycle Gourmet’s Tour de France… is different than the televised Tour de France. In fact, The Bicycle Gourmet’s Tour de France is better. Not just for DA BG,but for you as well. Here’s why: 1. Bicycle Gourmet’s Tour de France is longer. WWWay longer. Starting in […]
16Oct2023 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
France’s Most Amazing Chateau?
Chenonceau The Dream French Chateau is the one, of all I have known and seen – that I would like to be the owner of. While it’s a cliche to say Chenonceau is “steeped in History” (and what French Chetau isn’t?) it is a history basically of rivalry and romance. The rivalry being between […]
23Jun2023 | Bicycle Gourmet | 34 comments | Continued
BG’s Secret Getaway Spot – EXPOSED
French Travel Secret Revealed is where I reveal the down side of being DA BG. Yes, Virginia, there IS a negative smiley face in my otherwise blissful existence. A subtle frown that creases the face of carefree revelry. Like a wine that is almost perfect, My French Life has a touch of tannin. […]
20Jun2023 | Bicycle Gourmet | 32 comments | Continued