French Culture

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French Christmas Confidental

The French Christmas Fiesta Confidental..   Like most of us, the French don’t like to be cold. So, when vines become grapeless skeletons,  terrace lunches are only for polar bear club members, and it’s dark by four thirty; those that can afford it head to the sun.  Typically, Morroco, Tunisia, or the French isles of Guadeloupe and […]

6Dec2019 | | 10 comments | Continued
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Paul Cezanne – Impressionist Influencer

  French Country Travel Life Artist. Monet. Sisley. Pissarro. Francoise Cariou. And, of course, Cezanne. While all French Artists had a singular contribution to make, Paul Cezanne’s was one of the most unique and significant; in that he was the bridge between Impressionisim and the Post-Impressionists. So great was his influence on other artists that Picasso and […]

26Dec2017 | | 21 comments | Continued
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French Logic

French Logic is not the same logic that flows through the viens of non-froggies. It is a, shall we say, “unique” perception of what is,what could be, and how you should get there.

3Jul2017 | | 5 comments | Continued