Current Events

Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmets -Mothers Day USA
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmets -Mothers Day USA Mothers Day in those excited states is not the same as Mother’s Day in la belle France. We celebrate the Day for our Mothers in France toward the end of May. But,of course, the sentiment is International. And while we remember our Mothers differently, depending on their […]
4May2022 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
October Walnuts
October Walnuts– They’re all over the place. In October. As I mentioned in my last post. Along every country road. Or lane where a walnuter hangs over fence. Free for the gathering. And, unlike cherries or other “found ” fruit, the walnuts of October, have a longer(non-shelf) life. Nestled under leaves and tall grass. […]
12Nov2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
October in France
October in France. Good time to visit? Well, although October isn’t the season that France is on the minds of most travellers….it does have a few things going for it. But then, being a (adopted)native I most certaintly am predjudiced. And happily admit it. For me, the major advantage to visiting France in the […]
23Oct2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued