french food

Bicycle Gourmet Christopher Strong’s Big Cheese Fiesta
The Bicycle Gourmet has said, many times, that its debateable whether France is most famous for it’s wine, or It’s cheeses. But both are absoultely worth discovering. You can taste cheeses in any of the 7 cities where cheese festivals are held, but the most popular is probably Nice. If you have a taste […]
1Apr2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
French Casino Lemon Festival
French Casino Lemon Festival is indeed a cute title – n’est ce pas? but more than that it is also relevant. Because, as you will recall in my LAST POST the subject was oranges. (and alcohol, bien sur) So now, it’s time for Lemons. (and yes, I promise, the next post will not be about the […]
19Feb2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 23 comments | Continued
Bicycle Gourmet,s Gourmet Rant
French Gourmet. Is there any other kind? Any other possible adjective? Do not “French” and “Gourmet” go together like bread ‘n butter?, like salt ‘n pepper? And more importantly, like wine and cheese?
14Jan2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 23 comments | Continued