All Posts Tagged With: "DA BG"

French Coronavirus – Hasn’t Changed The French Spirit
French Coronavirus – Hasn’t Changed The French Spirit. If anything, it’s made it stronger. With COVID-19 still an unwelcome force to be reckoned with – the French people are showing their spirit and solidarity. They are not, and will not be beaten down by this invisible invader. Everywhere, in city and countryside, the outpouring […]
24Apr2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | Continued
The Mad King
authors note: It’s rare that I write on a non-French subject. But this situation concerns the World. In his recent book, “The Mad King – His Non-Fake Facts”, Investigative Journalist Atherton Cooper details the “career arc” of the conman who became (a self-appointed) King. Donald Trump. As he was ascending to his “throne” (courtesy […]
28Mar2020 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued
Paul Cezanne – Impressionist Influencer
French Country Travel Life Artist. Monet. Sisley. Pissarro. Francoise Cariou. And, of course, Cezanne. While all French Artists had a singular contribution to make, Paul Cezanne’s was one of the most unique and significant; in that he was the bridge between Impressionisim and the Post-Impressionists. So great was his influence on other artists that Picasso and […]
26Dec2017 | Bicycle Gourmet | 21 comments | Continued