All Posts Tagged With: "french rose wine"

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French Casino Lemon Festival

   French Casino Lemon Festival is indeed a cute title – n’est ce pas? but more than that it is also relevant. Because, as you will recall in my LAST POST the subject was oranges. (and alcohol, bien sur) So now, it’s time for Lemons. (and yes, I promise, the next post will not be about the […]

19Feb2021 | | 23 comments | Continued
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Queen For (more) Than a Day – Part Three

Time to get out your hankies as the Queen for More Than a Day – Part Three takes center stage. (earlier, but not fantastically happy events may be found in PART  ONE and PART TWO.) As my faithful will recall from previous spine tingling, on-the-edge-of-your-seat installments, Anne now seemed to be between the proverbial “rock and […]

5Apr2019 | | 31 comments | Continued
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Queen for More Than a Day – Part Two

      DA BG’s faithful, who’ve read PART ONE of the fantabulous Story of the  The Queen for More Than a Day will remember that she made the wise (and possibly only decision) to marry the guy that had just conquered her country. He being Charles 8. This union, for all it’s elaborate pomp and ceremony […]

22Mar2019 | | 34 comments | Continued