All Posts Tagged With: "learn basic french travel lessons phrase sentences"

French Casino Lemon Festival
French Casino Lemon Festival is indeed a cute title – n’est ce pas? but more than that it is also relevant. Because, as you will recall in my LAST POST the subject was oranges. (and alcohol, bien sur) So now, it’s time for Lemons. (and yes, I promise, the next post will not be about the […]
19Feb2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 23 comments | Continued
Bicycle Gourmet’s French History Fiesta
Bicycle Gourmet’s French History Fiesta goes down every year. All over France. Usually just for one day. Sometimes two. And, happily, it’s (mostly) free. While it’s not a holiday in the strict sense of the word, it’s equally, not a day of work. It’s offical title is : “Le Journee Du Patrimoine.” which, loosely translated(and […]
11Feb2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 32 comments | Continued
French Country Travel Life Language Encore
French Country Travel Life Language Encore! That’s right! There’s more than just one way to speak French! Sorry to burst yer bubble. Especially after you’ve been diligently listening to those French Language “immersion tapes” Or maybe (for the guys) dutifully memorizing the “phrase of the day” taped to your mirror while shaving. […]
7May2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 45 comments | Continued