All Posts Tagged With: "french churches"

French Cathedrals
They’re big. They’re awe-inspiring. They’re colorful. Magnificent minglings of stone and light. Man made wonders at which to marvel. And they’re all over France. French Cathedrals. Not churches, mind you. Which are more numerous and range in size from tiny chapels to good sized houses of worship. But Cathedrals. The largest of the breed. The […]
24Jul2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 7 comments | Continued
French Toasted
Scholars and popular opinion(now there’s a combination) would have us believe that the principal religion of France is Catholicism. The scholars citing numerous and detailed statistics. The number of Churches. Priests. History. Religious Holidays. Not to mention the fact that every day on the French Calendar celebrates a different Saint. Popular opinion, as always, sagely […]
4Jun2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 5 comments | Continued
French Churches – part Four of Four
Circumstantial Evidence Ok – a potpourri of “miracles” now n’ then. The virgin Mary appears. The sick are healed. God talks to Moses.(According to the Bible. A cusinart of rumour,innuendo and questionable “facts” assembled by hundreds of special interest “authors” over thousands of years. Now – that’s credibility…..right?) Callin’ the “G” Man Would’nt ya think […]
28Oct2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 9 comments | Continued