All Posts Tagged With: "french gourmet1"

Paul Cezanne – Impressionist Influencer
French Country Travel Life Artist. Monet. Sisley. Pissarro. Francoise Cariou. And, of course, Cezanne. While all French Artists had a singular contribution to make, Paul Cezanne’s was one of the most unique and significant; in that he was the bridge between Impressionisim and the Post-Impressionists. So great was his influence on other artists that Picasso and […]
26Dec2017 | Bicycle Gourmet | 21 comments | Continued
Bicycle Gourmet’s 2016 Message
Bicycle Gourmet’s 2016 a simple one. Not original. Not profound. But absolutely essential. Especially in these challenging times. “Let’s hope it’s a good one….without any fear.” – John Lennon […]
1Jan2016 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | Continued
The Spirit of Paris – The Spirit of France
The Spirit of Paris – The Spirit of France is not dead or diminished. It hasn’t been broken by the inHuman terrorist attacks. It glows and pulses. From Brittany to Corsica. It echoes through the bars and brasseries. Through office towers and supermarkets. It’s message is clear, proud and forceful : ”We refuse fear. ” Yet, […]
18Dec2015 | Bicycle Gourmet | 12 comments | Continued