All Posts Tagged With: "french villages"

France’s Most Amazing Chateau?
Chenonceau The Dream French Chateau is the one, of all I have known and seen – that I would like to be the owner of. While it’s a cliche to say Chenonceau is “steeped in History” (and what French Chetau isn’t?) it is a history basically of rivalry and romance. The rivalry being between […]
23Jun2023 | Bicycle Gourmet | 34 comments | Continued
BG’s Secret Getaway Spot – EXPOSED
French Travel Secret Revealed is where I reveal the down side of being DA BG. Yes, Virginia, there IS a negative smiley face in my otherwise blissful existence. A subtle frown that creases the face of carefree revelry. Like a wine that is almost perfect, My French Life has a touch of tannin. […]
20Jun2023 | Bicycle Gourmet | 32 comments | Continued
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet – Cancels 2022 Photo Tour
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet – Cancels 2022 Photo Tour There’s an old saying:”A man’s reach must always exceed his grasp – or what’s a heaven for?“Inspirational stuff that. There’s also another saying: “Don’t bite off more than your can chew.” And don’t you find that the majority of your confusions,anxieties, shattered dreams and other blue […]
23Mar2022 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued