All Posts Tagged With: "imf"

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DSK’s Worst Nightmare – Anne Sinclair Wakes Up!

  DSK’s Worst Nightmare – Anne Sinclair Wakes Up! – and leaves him. To anyone who is even vaguely aware of the “adventures” of Dominique Strauss Kahn, the question is not “Why?” – but – “Anne – what took you so long?”  Why did it take an intelligent, cultivated Woman this long to to see […]

30Jun2012 | | 28 comments | Continued
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DSK – Faux Spin Doctor

Life’s Like That One of the many interesting positions that Life can twist you into, is that of being wrong and right on the same subject. Such has been the case with THIS POST, where I opined that Domnique Strauss Kahn, on his return to France, would protest his innocence,(Right), but subtly and through his […]

25Sep2011 | | 12 comments | Continued