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The French Cycling Bicycle Gourmet - French Country Travel Life Film Maker and Author. Your non-snobby Gourmet Guide to food, wine travel and Lifestyle Adventure!

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China Buys Bordeaux



Absolutely. Positively. China Buys Bordeaux. Chateaus. Bordeaux wine. And, hey – why not – Bordeaux property.

There is a good reason for this. In a sentence : Bordeaux Winos need the money. And money, as we are all to aware is democratic and non-judgemental.

Money doesn’t give a rat’s ass about color, ethnicity, social position, family background, life acheivements and/or fortune in Men’s eyes.

Thus, with Bordeaux Wine sales in the basement of French Wine sales at the moment, any money is welcome. It just happens to be Chinese Money.

This state of liquid affairs is not new. The Chinese are regular investors in all types of French enterprises. Likewise the Japanese. Proprietors not only of Chateaus, but a major insurance company or two.

The reason is a variation on the “grass is greener over there” theme. While China and Japan are nuts about anything Western – they go POSTAL over France. Likewise the other Asian nations – who this year gobbled up a major production of Languedoc Roussillon’s production.

So – only natural they should continue to fuel their obsession by “buying in” to their dream destination.

The China Daily’s Yang Cheng has the details:

“A regional branch of Chinese investment firm CITIC broke ground last month on a wine production base in Shandong province in a joint venture with Domaines Barons de Rothschild, parent company of the Bordeaux region’s renowned Chateau Lafite.

The initial investment in the base has hit 100 million yuan ($15.87 million). The company hopes to build on the momentum of its brand Lafite, which has been thriving in China. Within the country, the combined trading volume of faked and genuine Lafite is estimated to be between 2 million and 3 million bottles annually.

Last year, China’s largest trader of grains and edible oils COFCO announced it had bought Chateau Viaud, a 20-hectare estate in Bordeaux, and expects it to yield 100 tons of wine every year.

The company’s wine business is growing 15 percent every year, Wu Fei, COFCO wine president, said.
“This is only an element of our global roadmap, following our trail in Chile. More deals may happen in South Africa, the US, Australia and much more,” an insider noted.

Dynamic approach

Discussing the company’s foray overseas, wine expert Li Demei said that better operations and marketing for the wine products are vital to getting faster and sounder returns for the investors.
Japanese-based beverage producer Suntory bought Chateaus of Lagrange and Byechevelle in Bordeaux, and through better marketing channels it has made the two brands popular and cemented a foothold in Asia.”

Read More HERE


What are ya thinkin’?





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10 Responses to “China Buys Bordeaux”

  1. sara quigley says:

    you’re so right in saying that moeny doesn’t discriminate – hope that point doesn’t sail past the asian-bashers.

  2. harvey karmen says:

    Sara – great point, especially now as the French roll up to their election, with all the candidates thumping their chests for products “made in France.”

  3. jean-pierre lemoin says:

    about “made in france” – perhaps you may be interesting to know that much of the publicity materials for the candidates are not
    “made in france.”

  4. darrly forman says:

    looks like the chinese are taking over everywhere!

  5. garth broves says:

    Your coverage of the french wine scene is refreshing different from all the other so called “experts.”

  6. kevin manners says:

    Face it BG – the Chinese are taking over the World – as quietly as possible.

  7. barton gesster says:

    amazing to see the depth of the chinese penetration into all arreas of western commerce.

  8. candi stevens says:

    Is this would they mean by “World Economy?”

  9. joe findlay says:

    most everybody who loves wine dreams of owning a french chateau – why should it be a suprise that the chinese share the same dream?

  10. margaret willowby says:

    very informative – as always…would be interested to know how the french rate the emerging chinese wine.

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