All Posts Tagged With: "famous french chefs"

French Chef No 1 – Part Three
(Author’s Note : Part One and Two could add to your reading enjoyment) So, clearly, Jean Luc’s culinary talent, hospitality, and generosity take a back seat to no one. But what makes him, for Me, the greatest French chef – is his embodiment of all the best elements of the French character. Dynamic. […]
31Aug2018 | Bicycle Gourmet | 26 comments | Continued
French Chef NO 1- Part Two
(authors note : Part One could give you some food for food thought.) There is a third, rare, and unusual way to claim the GFC toque. The French call it : “autodidact.” Ok – it does sound like the name of a newly discovered dinosaur – but it means, simply : “book learning.” […]
24Aug2018 | Bicycle Gourmet | 28 comments | Continued
Fathers of French Cuisine – Careme
He was abandoned on a doorstep at the height of the French Revolution. Though seemingly without prospects or hope, Antonin Careme would grow up to be called “The King of Chefs and “The Chef to Kings.” Careme’s incredible good fortune, some might say “destiny”, began with the doorstep on which he landed. It belonged to […]
12Nov2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 29 comments | Continued