All Posts Tagged With: "french travel tips"

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French Riviera Vacation – Part Four

The monks on the island of Ste. Honorat claim that Holy mumbo jumbo has prevailed there for 1600 years. An easy claim to make that not even the superior security forces of the city of Cannes can hope to verify. However ,the numerous ruined chapels scattered throughout the tiny isle lend some “concete” support to […]

30Apr2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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French Cuisine – Bio?

While French Cuisine has always been fresh, (it’s major “secret”), and is often “organic”, nowadays it as ascended to “bio.” Short for “biodynamic.” As in grown according to biodynamic methods So what exactly, you  may well ask, are ‘biodynamic methods? And how do they differ from “organic methods?” To paraphrase a famous  line from Groucho […]

31Mar2011 | | 8 comments | Continued
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Deep French Life Questions – Part Two

If you haven’t already, reading PART ONE is advised. I think there are two reasons for this inner dialogue. The first being a (let’s hope) subtle sense of guilt from doing what you like, and enjoying it. While others, next door, and around the World have less, much less or nothing. The second is the […]

26Feb2011 | | 4 comments | Continued