All Posts Tagged With: "pinot noir"

French Wine Vine – Part One
When someone says: “French”…..what’s the first second word that comes to mind? “Fashion?” Maybe. “Film?” Uh,could be.”WINE?” Yes sir, you betcha! That be the first,second word describing France. How could it not be with vines covering so much of the “terroir?” From time to time France gives the World a movie/music star/sports hero. But […]
20Jan2021 | Bicycle Gourmet | 28 comments | Continued
French Country Travelling Wine
French Country Traveling Wine – well,bien sur, MANY French Wines travel. Do they not? Thanks to the well deserved reputation of the fermented grape juice available on these here shores. (Uh..that would be..DA BG shores?) But I thought it might be instructive to share the tale of one such French Country Travelling Wine, that has […]
4Jun2015 | Bicycle Gourmet | 5 comments | Continued
French Country Travel Life Blarney Stone Connection
French Country Travel Life Blarney Stone Connection. Gotcha with that headline, right? Well the “blarney stone connection” is a tip o’ the shamrock to my wineophile colleague John Wilson, who here waxes on the wonders of French Wine….(a change, I hope, from me doing it all the time!) “Wandering around a French trade tasting […]
5Feb2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 19 comments | Continued