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The French Cycling Bicycle Gourmet - French Country Travel Life Film Maker and Author. Your non-snobby Gourmet Guide to food, wine travel and Lifestyle Adventure!

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French Country Travel Life Blarney Stone Connection



French Country Travel Life Blarney Stone Connection. Gotcha with that headline, right? Well the “blarney stone connection” is a tip o’ the shamrock to my wineophile colleague John Wilson, who here waxes on the wonders of French Wine….(a change, I hope, from me doing it all the time!)

“Wandering around a French trade tasting recently, I found myself once more in awe of French wine. It struck me that the most astonishing thing is not its quality, although they do make great wines, but its sheer variety.

The country offers an amazing array of wines in every conceivable style. I tasted crisp dry Rieslings and luscious Gewürztraminers from Alsace, light rosés from Provence, refined sparkling wines, elegant reds and sherry-like whites from the Jura, and warming reds from the Languedoc. And that was all at one table.

The French “sherry” from the Jura was in fact more like a Manzanilla, as a Spanish importer remarked.

In Jura, producers use Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, as in nearby Burgundy, but also three indigenous grapes, Savagnin, Poulsard and Trousseau. Local specialities include Vins Jaune, the wine not dissimilar to sherry, and Vins de Paille, a sweet wine made from grapes dried on straw mats.

They also produce good sparkling wines, dry whites, the occasional rosé, and red wines too. And that is all in one small, unfamiliar region.

France has a varied climate that provides an environment for virtually every kind of wine. It has the right soils, minutely studied and defined by experts and then classified according to quality and style.

It is a crucial part of French culture  and the French economy. Many regions would simply fall apart without their vines and the inflow of money they provide annually.

We tend to think of the grand chateaux of Bordeaux when we think of French wine. In fact, most producers are farmers with small plots of land and a modest income. An excess of wine is a problem in many areas, primarily in the Languedoc, but elsewhere too.

French people are drinking less wine each year, partly a result of strict antialcohol laws. The export market is interested primarily in quality wine, but small producers do not always have the ability to sell their wines in a multitude of markets around the world.

At times, reading the press or talking to producers, you get the impression that the whole edifice that is French wine is about to collapse. Yet somehow it continues, adapts and evolves to satisfy the demands of the world market without losing its solid roots in the local cultures and traditions of France.

It can be difficult to learn all the names, appellations and grapes that comprise French wine. But it can also be fascinating and rewarding. We cannot think about France without thinking about wine.

I also believe that you cannot love wine without loving French wine. France’s greatest gifts to the wine world are surely the well-known grape varieties used in almost every other producer country. Without these, many of us would be lost in the aisles of supermarkets or looking at a restaurant wine list.

Today we celebrate three of the most popular grape varieties and a few other familiar names. Sauvignon Blanc, so popular in New Zealand and Chile, is a French grape, used in every bottle of Sancerre, Pouilly-Fumé and many others in the Loire, Bordeaux and south-west France. Chardonnay, which comes from Burgundy, is still one of the most popular grapes despite recent bad press, and seems poised to return to fashionable status.

On these winter nights, where would we be without the warming tones of Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre? The first and last are Spanish in origin, but it is the French who adopted and exported them. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot may be ubiquitous, but there is a good reason for that; they make some of the world’s finest red wines.”

Read more HERE.


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19 Responses to “French Country Travel Life Blarney Stone Connection”

  1. clive carstairs says:

    this post again reminds us of just how rich france is when it comes to wine

  2. carl rnadle says:

    with ya 100% there clive! da bg always delivers the goods!

  3. maud corrigan says:

    i envy the irish…france is just a short hop away for them!

  4. stacie gonzalez says:

    wow§ never knew there were so many different kinds of wine in france; thanks for putting me in the loop!

  5. bella samuels says:

    another great wine post…..from the irish yet!…maybe there’s hope -lol!)

  6. sara bellman says:

    good to be reminded of just how much there is to discover in france where wine is concerned.

  7. fran kimmelman says:

    you’d think that the irish, being close to france, wouldn’t be so in awe of the variety of french wine…..

  8. ken cayer says:

    i hear you fran….but, then again….what has ireland got in the way of wine?

  9. mel geddes says:

    hey ken…yeah agree…so what’s next….a frenchman going to ireland on a whiskey tasting expedition?

  10. paul hovart says:

    very cute your opening graphic. (and a good post too!)

  11. anders bergman says:

    good to see the irish are interested in other forms of spirits!

  12. rainer putman says:

    posts like this – that erase national cliches – are most welcome. Good taste, in wine or anything else, has nothing to do with nationality.

  13. heather stillford says:

    i have to agree! “can’t think about france without thinking about wine.”

  14. steve harmon says:

    this post reminds me of my trip to france..when i did exactly the same thing! (and i’m not irish lol!)

  15. henny stavers says:

    like your irish friend, here in holland we visit france every chance we get. not only for the wine, but for the beautifulcountyryside and the friendly people.

  16. angus mclean says:

    i DO like your posts about wine in particular, because you always have an unusual slant to the story…or the story itself is unique. keep it up!

  17. emma roche says:

    i agree with angus..but i also really like your personal adventure stories.

  18. marsha cuthbertson says:

    and i agree with emma and angus! More of both pls BG!!!

  19. angi hoo says:

    great post! i particularly liked the line “you can’t love wine without loving french wine. viva la france!

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